People who:

  • get jokes: can usually connect the dots and solve intellectual challenges
  • make jokes: are articulate, have comedic timing, and know how to use words for impact
  • take jokes: don’t take themselves too seriously, and are more open to differences
The first, i.e. people who enjoy solving intellectual challenges do better when tackling new problems; the second do better while trying to inspire or influence; and the third are better at creating open and safe environments for people. 
You can learn how to recite a joke easily. Writing one is harder, but can still be learnt. However, the hardest is to accept that you may be arrogant, closed, and may have an overly-inflated view of yourself.
The hack that I recommend? Write, rehearse and recite self-deprecating jokes. You’ll get some practice across all three.


Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash