To understand why ‘being’ inclusive was harder than ‘doing’ DEI, I zoomed-out:
- India had a history of women rulers, and had an elected head of state decades before the west
- Transgenders were historically part of mainstream society, but today we see them only at traffic signals
- Homosexuality was considered normal till it was criminalised for 150 years
What happened?
I realized that over the last 150 years, we’ve seen medicine viewing homosexuals as ‘unnatural’ and transgenders ‘abnormal’; movies showing them as evil brothel owners or as comic relief; colonial rulers criminalising same-sex love; the industrial revolution enabling the able-bodied thereby marginalising PWDs; families favouring men from the moment they were born; and so on.
‘Normal’, or what we consider as ‘the norm’ is nothing else but what we assume to be so. The good news? We can change it.